Absent Voters Lists
A general election took place in the UK in late
1918. Men over 21 and women over 30 (subject to some
conditions) were now entitled to vote. Those men over the
age of 19 (and a very small number of women), in the armed
forces or merchant navy, and who were away from home, had
their details recorded in the Absent Voters Lists (AVLs).
Some such lists are held by the British Library (and have
been digitised by Find My Past). Those for Walthamstow (but
not for Leyton or Chingford) are on microfilm at the Local
Studies Library and Archives at Vestry House.
How the Absent Voters Lists were compiled
The next of kin in the soldier's household
supplied the voters' details for the 1918 election to the
local voter registration officers. When this process was
over, the names of those in the armed forces were passed to
the War Office, specifically its Adjutant General's
Department. They then arranged to send voting cards to those
servicemen who were elsewhere in the UK (about 1 million),
and ballot papers to those in France, Flanders and Italy
(about 2 million). Men even further afield were able to vote
via a proxy voting form. The AVLs were first published on
15th October 1918, with an updated list in the Spring of
1919. Even prisoners of war were entitled to vote - though
it is far from clear that they would be able to do so in
The rather disorganised way in which the
original information was collected meant that some men were
omitted altogether, and the details of others were often
inaccurate in some way. Each unit's record office was given
two copies of the AVLs, and the officer in charge undertook
to revise the lists by amending their numerous mistakes.
Contributory sources of error included: movements of army
units; casualties; and the transfer of men from one unit to
another - all of which could produce changes in regimental
number. Despite the errors, Absent Voters Lists can be a
good way of linking a person, their military service, and an
address together at a time when people were still displaced
by the war.
The Walthamstow Absent Voters Lists
The lists are arranged by Polling District in
two volumes: Walthamstow East and Walthamstow West. This
means that when searching by hand, you really need to know
the road where the man's family lived. Most roads fell
within a single district, but long roads - such as Hoe
Street - might straddle several districts. Sometimes even
the opposite sides of the one road are in different
districts! Within each Polling District the roads are listed
in alphabetical order; in each road the odd-numbered houses
are usually listed separately from the even-numbered ones.
For each man at a given address, the
information provided is: entry number, surname, forename,
house number, service (regimental) number, rank, unit
(regiment or ship or RAF). Information is often missing:
examples include initials in place of forenames; no service
number; no rank; no unit. Surnames are occasionally
mis-spelled; adjacent digits in the service number can be
the wrong way round; and the rank might be incorrect. All of
these 'errors' have been preserved in the AVL database, but
where errors have been discovered, we have added notes
which are intended to clarify the situation in order to help
researchers. The information is also heavily abbreviated in
places, especially for the rank and the unit, and to a
lesser extent for some forenames. We have provided a
glossary for these three categories that provide the full
version of most such acronyms.
Around 150 people seem to occur more than once
in the records. The reason is not yet clear, but
possibilities are that more than one relative considered
them to be normally resident with them, or that they moved
during the war and they gained an entry for each address
that they lived at. A further possibility is that writing
was difficult to read, and they were given an entry for each
house number numbers could have been.
We hope the search engine will enable you to
find your missing ancestor, either through his name or his
known home address in Walthamstow, however, given that there
are mistakes in the AVLs, you might have to use some
ingenuity in your searching!

Search registers for absent voters
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Roads and Polling Districts
of the People Act, 1918
More Absent Voters Lists can be found at The
Long, Long Trail